Photo by Michael R. Perry

Energy and Transportation

Transportation and utility rights-of-way (ROWs) have been identified as unique opportunity areas for monarch and pollinator habitat conservation at the landscape level. ROWs encompass thousands of acres of land, intersecting much of Wisconsin’s landscape. These systems are typically managed for the safe and efficient transport of goods, services and/or people. However, with minor modifications to routine practices, ROWs can also be managed to promote monarch and pollinator conservation by creating, enhancing and maintaining diverse habitats.


Additional members of this working group represent the following organizations:

Alliant Energy

American Transmission Company

Dairyland Power Cooperative

Madison Gas and Electric

Oneida County Land and Water Conservation

Public Service Commission of Wisconsin

We Energies

Wisconsin County Highway Association

Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources

State of Wisconsin Department of Transportation

Wisconsin Electric Cooperative Association

Xcel Energy

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